What Is Long-Term Disability in Texas, and How Do I Quality?

What Is Long-Term Disability?

Individuals who have suffered a severe disability and can no longer work may be eligible for long-term disability benefits. Also called LTD, this financial support can provide a vital lifeline to individuals in need of income.

It is generally provided by private insurance, which means you could run into a number of challenges in securing payments. Ascend Disability understands how critical LTD is to those who are unable to support themselves. Let our Texas long-term disability lawyers fight for the benefits you deserve.

The Basics of LTD Benefits

Long-term disability benefits are essentially a form of income replacement provided by insurance. Designed to support individuals and their families, LTD is available when someone can no longer work. They must usually be unable to hold gainful employment indefinitely or for at least a year. Those who are disabled on a short-term basis may qualify for a separate short-term disability plan.

When benefits are obtained through employment-based insurance, a law known as ERISA typically applies. ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. This important law applies certain regulations and standards for disability, health, retirement, and other group benefits. This includes LTD.

ERISA protects recipients of LTD and employers must comply with its regulations. The law concerns processing, timelines, and appeals of LTD claims. If you need to appeal a decision to deny LTD, it will likely be done pursuant to ERISA. Our Texas disability benefits law firm can assist you with this process.

Not all LTD benefits are subject to ERISA regulations. For instance, plans provided for public workers and employees of religious institutions do not fall under ERISA. Nonetheless, we can help you if you are in need of LTD according to a non-ERISA plan.

Who Qualifies for Long Term Disability?

Qualifying for Long-Term Disability

To qualify for LTD, you must meet the insurance company’s definition of disability. Every insurance company has its own definition of this term, so it varies from one policy to another. It should be noted that it is not necessarily enough to meet Social Security’s definition of disability. You must still be eligible under the insurance policy’s terms.

Insurers often distinguish between short-term and long-term disability. If you cannot do the work required in your prior job, you might qualify for short-term benefits. These payments may end if the insurance company believes you can eventually perform some other kind of work.

If you cannot do any type of work based on your education, training, or background, LTD benefits might be available. In other words, your eligibility largely depends on how the insurer sees it.

As you can likely imagine, many workers are denied LTD benefits or told they only qualify for short-term benefits. If this happens to you, it’s time to speak with a skilled Texas disability benefits attorney.

How Our Texas Disability Lawyers Can Help

Ascend Disability is here to assist workers who need LTD benefits but are unsure how to obtain them. We also help those who have been denied payments and need to appeal the adverse decision. More specifically, we can help you:

  • Understand the benefits available to you under your insurance policy
  • Prepare and file for your benefits claim
  • Anticipate and address potential hurdles in qualifying for LTD
  • Make the best possible case for the benefits you need
  • Work to ensure you receive the correct amount of payments
  • Assist with an appeal if your LTD claim is denied

Reach Out to Ascend Disability Today!

If you have questions about LTD or other forms of disability, including Social Security, connect with a Texas disability attorney at Ascend Disability. We can answer your questions, help with applying for benefits, and lay the groundwork for an appeal if needed. Give us a call today at (855) 445-9787 to get started.

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