Can You Receive SSDI and VA Benefits At the Same Time?

Many individuals who are eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are also disabled veterans. There’s a misconception that these persons must choose between SSDI and VA benefits. In reality, someone may be able to receive both.

However, there are certain rules and requirements that you need to know before applying. The Texas disability law firm Ascend Disability helps individuals request both SSDI and veterans’ disability benefits. We’re ready to assist with winning the financial compensation you need.

You can schedule your free, confidential consultation today by calling (855) 445-9787.

Comparing SSDI and VA Disability

The Social Security Administration (SSA) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) both pay disability benefits to eligible claimants. Each agency maintains its own rules, requirements, procedures, and criteria for reviewing applications and awarding benefits.

Neither set of benefits is affected by the other, which means someone can potentially receive both. However, an individual must separately apply for both SSDI and VA disability.

The disability criteria, in particular, vary between the two programs. Here’s a look at how they compare:

  • Injury/Illness (or the aggravation of) must be due to military service? VA: Yes; SSDI: No
  • Impairment must prevent ability to work at substantial gainful activity level? VA: No; SSDI: Yes
  • Disability must last or be expected to last at least 12 months or end in death? Va: No; SSDI: Yes
  • Age, education, and work history can affect an applicant’s eligibility? VA: No; SSDI: Yes
  • Offers partial disability payments? VA: Yes; SSDI: No.


SSDI and Veteran Disability Benefits Concept

The eligibility criteria of SSDI boils down to whether:

  • Someone can or cannot work;
  • Due to a severe medical condition;
  • That is expected to last at least one year or result in death.

The SSA’s disability criteria are strict and you should discuss them with a Texas disability benefits lawyer. Some programs give compensation to those with short-term disabilities or partial disabilities. SSDI does not cover this.

On the other hand, VA disability benefits compensate those who have a service-connected disability. The condition may be incurred or aggravated by military service and may qualify the claimant for partial payments.

Expediting Your SSDI Claim

You can potentially expedite the processing of your SSDI claim if you are a veteran and meet these requirements:

  • You have a VA disability compensation rating of 100% Permanent & Total (P&T); or
  • You developed a disability while on active military service on or after October 1, 2001

Although the SSA usually automatically identifies veterans, this doesn’t always happen. A veteran who applies for SSDI may need to provide additional proof such as a VA notification letter. This is why having an experienced disability attorney in Texas can help.

Other Benefits You May Claim

Your disability compensation is not necessarily limited to only SSDI and VA. Some veterans (or their spouses and dependents) qualify for other Social Security programs. These include retirement benefits, survivor benefits, and Medicare. Service members who are eligible for Medicare can also receive support through TRICARE. Our firm can help you explore your options.

We’re Ready to Support Your Disability Legal Needs

We understand the challenges you are facing as you struggle to meet basic monthly expenses. That’s why Ascend Disability works with disability clients and veterans in seeking the maximum amount of support. Whether you are eligible for SSDI, VA benefits, or both, reach out to us to learn more about these programs.

You can schedule your confidential, free consultation today by calling (855) 445-9787.

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